Ellen Mahoney, KUNC KUNC interviews Dr. Daren Harmel and Dr. Hannah Tetreault, scientists at the USDA-ARS National Laboratory …
USDA gene bank safeguards vital genetic materials for our food supply

Ellen Mahoney, KUNC KUNC interviews Dr. Daren Harmel and Dr. Hannah Tetreault, scientists at the USDA-ARS National Laboratory …
Lisa Hill In this short video, USDA scientist, Lisa Hill, discusses storing agriculturally important germplasm as seeds. Learn why seeds …
Gardener Scott The National Seed Storage Laboratory in Ft. Collins, Colorado, is part of the USDA Agricultural Resource Service and …
Ashley Shepherd, Katheryn Chen, and Gayle Volk Pollen is an essential resource for plant breeding programs. Because of its widespread …
Remi Bonnart, Katheryn Chen, and Gayle Volk When genebanks must cryopreserve a diverse range of clonally propagated plants, it is …
Heidi Kreckel, Katheryn Chen, and Gayle Volk Chemical solutions known as cryoprotectants are used to prepare plant shoot tips for …
Katheryn Chen and Gayle Volk Temperate woody plants naturally form buds that enter a state of dormancy in the winter …
Jennifer Kendall, Katheryn Chen, and Gayle Volk Cryopreservation is a technology that allows genebanks to preserve plant genetic resources on …
Science Friday In this Science Friday segment, host Ira Flatow interviews Shaun Shepherd (Temperate Orchard Conservancy) and Gayle Volk (USDA …
Rocky Mountain PBS This article and 6-minute video by Rocky Mountain PBS features the USDA National Laboratory for Genetic Resources …