Gayle Volk, Patrick Byrne Los parientes silvestres de cultivos (PSC) proporcionan diversidad genética que puede no estar disponible …
Parientes Silvestres de Cultivos y su Uso en el Fitomejoramiento

Gayle Volk, Patrick Byrne Los parientes silvestres de cultivos (PSC) proporcionan diversidad genética que puede no estar disponible …
Katheryn Chen and Patrick Byrne Understudied Indigenous crops are those that have been overlooked in research efforts and commercial networks, …
Gayle Volk, Katheryn Chen, and Pat Byrne This eBook documents examples across a variety of crops where plant conservation and …
Patrick Byrne, Meagan Schipanski, Deana Namuth-Covert This eBook provides a virtual field tour at Colorado State University’s Agricultural Research, Development …
Gayle Volk This ebook will have content relating to plant genebank management, based primarily on policies in the U.S. …
Gayle Volk and Patrick Byrne The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate that food crops do not necessarily originate …
Gayle M. Volk This eBook provides information about aspects of plant pathology within genebanks.
Gayle M. Volk and John E. Preece The eBook “Field Tour of the USDA National Clonal Germplasm Repository for Tree …
Gayle Volk The eBook is being developed through a collaboration between Colorado State University and the United States Department of …