Patrick Byrne, Laura Marek El propósito de este capítulo es explicar la historia de la domesticación y …
Category: Domestication
Caso de estudio: Domesticación y fitomejoramiento del trigo
Patrick Byrne El propósito de este capítulo es explicar cómo se originó el trigo en la Media …
De especies silvestres a razas locales y cultivos
Patrick Byrne, Christopher Richards, Gayle Volk El propósito de este capítulo es proporcionar una descripción general del …
Origin and Diversity of Brassicas
Chris Pires Brassica is the diverse genus that has brought us broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips, canola, and many …
Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.)
Patrick Byrne This eBook chapter provides a brief overview of grain amaranth, including its origins, production, use, and current …
Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana)
Patrick Byrne This eBook chapter provides a brief overview of finger millet, including its origins, production, use, and current …
Where our food crops come from
Colin Khoury, Harold Achicanoy, Carlos Navarro-Racines, Steven Sotelo, Andy Jarvis (CIAT) This modern blog post provides interactive maps and graphics …
Understudied Indigenous Crops
Katheryn Chen and Patrick Byrne Understudied Indigenous crops are those that have been overlooked in research efforts and commercial networks, …
Fava Bean (Vicia faba)
Patrick Byrne This eBook chapter provides a brief overview of the crop fava bean, including its origins, production, use, …
Teff (Eragrostis tef)
Patrick Byrne This eBook chapter provides a brief overview of the crop teff, including its origins, production, use, and …